2013-05-01 21:10:07

We visited the mill and bakery

On 22 March, we visited the above object in Slavonski Brod. The owner of the bakery  showed us the facilities, equipment and explained the manufacturing process.
Dana 22. ožujka posjetili smo mlin i pekaru u Slavonskom Brodu. Vlasnik pekare pokazao nam je objekte, opremu te objasnio proces proizvodnje.

For the production of flour they  used wheat, rye, barley, oats, millet, rice and corn. The basic raw material is mercantile wheat of standard quality.

Wheat is delivered in silos. After aging the mixture is ready for grinding.Technological stages of milling: sorting, classification and extractionof the tail end.

Finished products of milling are:  unit of flour, flour, enriched corn meal and bran. According to the content of mineral matter flour is classified as white, semi-milled and black.

Za proizvodnju brašna  koristi se pšenica, raž, ječam, zob, proso, riža i kukuruz. Osnovna sirovina je trgovačka pšenica standardne kvalitete.

Pšenica se dostavlja i pohranjuje u silose. Nakon starenja smjesa je spremna za mljevenje/drobljenje.
Tehnološke faze mljevenja: sortiranje, razvrstavanje i vađenje i čišćenje od primjesa.

Gotovi proizvodi mljevenja su: jedinice brašna, brašno obogaćeno kukuruzom i mekinja. Prema sadržaju mineralnih tvari brašno je klasificirano kao bijelo, polubijelo i crno.


The baker kneads the dough from sifted flour, yeast, salt and water. Then the dough pieces are shaped to the required size and shape and are put on baking sheets. The baker is in charge of the overseeing of the leavening before and during baking. Especially the baking  time of  the oven finished products is to be watched precisely. The baker  takes  them out, puts  them in a basket and trolley and transports them to the point of sale.

The Mlinpek is a small shop where we have tried delicious bakery products.

Pekari  od prosijanog brašna, kvasca, soli i vode mijese tijesto. Nakon toga oblikuju dijelove tijesta na potrebnu veličinu i oblik te ih slažu u pećnicu. Posebno se pazi na vrijeme pečenja tijesta u pećnicama kako bi se proizvodi dobro ispekli. Kada je proces gotov, proizvodi se vade posebnom pekarskom lopatom, stavljaju se u košare i dostavljaju na prodajna mjesta.

Mlinpek je jedna mala pekara u kojoj smo imali priliku kušati ukusne pekarske proizvode.


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Osnovna škola Hugo Badalić Slavonski Brod